
24/7 detection, remediation, and operation.

The multiplicity of attacks as well as their increasing complexities require businesses, whatever their size, to provide themselves with effective means to avoid them serious disasters involving heavy financial losses and a deterioration of their image vis-à-vis the market. 


Companies, faced with their difficulties in terms of human resource management on these Security subjects and ever more demanding regulations (LPM, GDPR, etc.) find themselves today faced with a headache that they have enormously hard to solve.

IT for here is vital, but it's not their core business, even less when it comes to Cyber Security.

To answer this real subject that concerns General and IT Departments, NOWETECH monitors the security of your information systems 24/7 and remotely. 

© Copyright. All Rights reserved to NOWETECH

NOWETECH SAS (Société par actions simplifiée au capital social de 5.000,00€ ), RCS de Paris, siège social : 19 Rue du Bois Galon, 94120 Fontenay sous-bois), numéro TVA intracommunautaire : FR44830917951, Greffe : RCS Paris, Code NAF / APE : 4651Z, date d'immatriculation : 04/07/2017 

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