
Identify IS vulnerabilities

Identify the flaws of the IS and reduce the level of risk exposure of your infrastructures and applications.

Nowadays the security of information systems is no longer limited to the installation of a Firewall or an antivirus.


It is essential to consider all of the building blocks of the IS to secure them and correlate all the information in order to have a global vision of events.

We suggest that you carry out audits on the various building blocks of your IS with these certified consultants and a recognized methodology. 

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NOWETECH SAS (Société par actions simplifiée au capital social de 5.000,00€ ), RCS de Paris, siège social : 19 Rue du Bois Galon, 94120 Fontenay sous-bois), numéro TVA intracommunautaire : FR44830917951, Greffe : RCS Paris, Code NAF / APE : 4651Z, date d'immatriculation : 04/07/2017 

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