
Efficient infrastructure

Make your infrastructures more efficient to optimize the performance of your information system.

More and more collaborative and open, information systems are constantly evolving and more than ever exposed to performance losses and external or internal threats, voluntary or not.


NOWETECH monitors your information system to guarantee the security of your infrastructures and services and optimize the quality of your delivery to speed up your business.

New uses and digitalization bring new subjects: guaranteeing the same fluidity of information flows in the event of an IS evolution and securing the flows and data concerned between Datacenters and users' terminals. 

© Copyright. All Rights reserved to NOWETECH

NOWETECH SAS (Société par actions simplifiée au capital social de 5.000,00€ ), RCS de Paris, siège social : 19 Rue du Bois Galon, 94120 Fontenay sous-bois), numéro TVA intracommunautaire : FR44830917951, Greffe : RCS Paris, Code NAF / APE : 4651Z, date d'immatriculation : 04/07/2017 

L'hébergeur du site est OVH, ce site est soumis à la loi française. Toute réclamation doit être adressée à notre Service Client par mail à ou par courrier postal au 19 Rue du Bois Galon
94120 Fontenay sous-bois.

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